Summer Solstice Horoscopes

June 20, 2024 - September 22, 2024

When the Sun enters the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer, it marks the Summer Solstice. In Tarot, the 2 of Cups represents the first decan of Cancer and therefore, the Summer Solstice. The 2 of Cups carries the energy of Cardinal Water. Cardinal energy initiates, and Water energy is receptive and flowing.

This new season brings us the usual shifts, transitions, and opportunities for releasing and manifestation that the “astroweather” always provides. However, there are two areas of the sky that should capture your attention, because this summer finds the Zodiacal archetypes of Capricorn and Pisces working together to help inspire us in new directions.

The Two of Cups symbolizes the Summer Solstice and the joining of forces.

As summer begins, we have two rare full moons in Capricorn, as well as Pluto re-entering Capricorn. The first full moon is at 1° of Capricorn just after the Solstice, initiating us to themes, past or present, that we are meant to work through this season. Pay attention to what is happening around you, and within you at this time. The second full moon is at 29° (the final degree) of Capricorn. This is a potent degree that was activated last summer when the nodes of the moon (where we experience the eclipses) squared Pluto at 29° of Capricorn. You may be approaching the end of a karmic journey or significant transformation, especially if you have planets or angles at or near 29° of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra,  & Capricorn). And in September, just before the Fall Equinox, retrograde Pluto will re-enter Capricorn and stay at 29° until it stations direct in October, and leaves Capricorn for the rest of our lifetime in November. 

So what does this all mean? The Capricorn houses in our charts are going through a final phase of transformation, which is now the rebuilding phase. The archetype of Capricorn centers goals and accomplishment, but what motivates us may be changing. Perhaps we are experiencing the dust settling after a significant period of inner or outer turmoil, and as a result we may finally feel grounded and powerful enough to start over and walk the new path that lay before us. If we have released what is no longer serving us, our path is clearer to navigate. However, if we are still clinging to things that we should let go of, then we will still experience loss in some form but it may feel out of our control. Plutonic transformation makes us face our fears in order to step into our personal power.

This summer also brings Saturn and Neptune retrograde in Pisces, as well as our first eclipse in Pisces since 2017, just before the fall Equinox. Think back to 2015-2017, and what throughline you may be able to find that helps to shape the narrative that is unfolding in the Pisces area of your chart. As we have been experiencing Saturn in Pisces since March 2023, we may be in the process of finally bringing form to something that is emerging from the depths. We could also feel like we are sacrificing something in order to grow in the direction that our intuition is guiding us. Either way, it’s not an easy process.

Pisces is an archetype that brings duality into our consciousness. This summer you could face having to make a decision that accompanies a crisis of faith. Resist the urge to surrender to self sabotage or escapism as a comfort. The Saturn and Neptune retrogrades will bring us back to reality, and help us stay grounded as we work through some of the residue that is still clinging to us from past experiences, and in Pisces, even in past lives. This may be a season when soul contracts are fulfilled and our focus and attention can now shift to the future. The partial lunar eclipse in Pisces can give us clues as to what still needs to be worked out.

The traditional markers that determine our sense of success may need to change, since Saturn in Pisces is helping us to see new ways to structure our reality. The rewards of working hard may shift from the material and tangible, to a sense of inner peace or satisfaction. The fruits of our labor may be ripening on a different tree, which is why we may be feeling the need to walk a new path. As we are understanding that so much of “reality” isn’t real, finding our place in the world can be confusing as we are experiencing so much uncertainty and collective grief. 

The houses in your natal chart that are ruled by Capricorn and Pisces are asking for your attention. Capricorn and Pisces offer a beneficial aspect, called a sextile, to one another since their elements are complimentary (Earth & Water). The Capricorn and Pisces houses in your chart are assisting each other in guiding you to where you need to be. Awareness is key, so I am offering special horoscopes this season that merge the life areas that will be activated for your sign.

Read your Summer Solstice horoscope based on your Rising sign (if you know it) or Sun sign if you were born during the day, or your Moon sign if you were born at night. Or all three! Take whatever resonates for inspiration on moving into this new season <3

Summer Solstice Horoscopes


Long term plans may have been thrown off course or completely derailed in the past year, resulting in you finding yourself in a entirely new place as this season begins. Or you may feel like an old part of yourself has died, and you are wondering how to begin again. You could be questioning not just where you are now, but also who you are. Going deep beneath the surface and unraveling the unconscious web of ways that you can get in your own way, and unpacking how those patterns originated and had you tangled, is a good use of your time this summer. Prioritize spending time with people that are willing to go deep with you. Start healing work on your own or seek a guide. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition to get back to the core of who you are through inner knowing, and you’ll find your way.


You may have recently experienced a crisis of faith that could have you questioning everything. You might be grappling with a shifting perspective that feels uncomfortable to face, but avoidance will only promise more discomfort, confusion, or hurt. The people who you currently find yourself in alignment with can give you valuable insights on how you want to prioritize your peace. Don’t be afraid to let go if hanging on doesn’t feel right. This summer, you may also be confronted with the reality of what it takes to achieve your goals and aspirations through experiencing limitations in your current approach to getting what you want. Remember that these are opportunities to think creatively and empower yourself through taking a new course of action, especially if what you want to do is retreat.


You may be feeling an increased need for solitude to help you process how much you’ve changed since experiencing some form of loss. This can be grieving a dream career, a past version of yourself, a project, a relationship, or even a place that you used to live. Rebuilding will require trusting not only the process, but also other people. Merging with others can be scary, but as you are being tested know that the lesson is that you cannot, and should not, do it all on your own. This summer, dip your toes into the waters of co-creation by sharing ideas, resources, drive and energy with those around you to help breathe new life into your world building.


You may find that soul contracts are ending, and with that awareness you may be entering the new season feeling lighter and more focused on your own needs than the needs of others. You may be feeling empowered by prioritizing yourself for once, and practicing new boundaries that protect your energy is the medicine you need this season. Expanding your mind through travel, spiritual experiences, or even learning something new will help provide much needed inspiration for new directions of growth as you are navigating the world with a more stable and secure sense of self. Clearing out old connections to make way for new ones will be essential this summer.


Transforming how you take care of your physical and mental health has been a long but rewarding journey. These changes may have you tapping into your willpower and therefore, your personal power. If you have not been adjusting your regular habits to prioritize wellness, know that it is never too late. This summer, you may experience tests and triggers that tempt you to revert back to old ways of coping that no longer serve you if you do not stay mindful. Grounding yourself in routines and rituals that bring you back to yourself will help you stay productive and centered as you manifest abundance this season. Understanding who you are helps you forge healthier relationships that are more in alignment with your personal evolution. Opening yourself up to deeper connections may also help to anchor (and reward!) you in your healing process.


Your creative process has been undergoing a transformation over the past several years. What inspires you now should be more in alignment with who you are becoming, and therefore what you create is a refection of your true self. This is the time to start sharing your work and gifts with others, and through that process many doors of opportunity may open themselves to you. Relationships and building connections may be at the forefront of your consciousness this summer. Armed with a refined sense of self-awareness and boundaries, this new season can bring in many people that will test how far you have come in relating to others. Remember to stay true to your authentic self and protect your energy as you navigate new spaces and faces.


You are entering this new season stepping into a phase of rebirth. Either through a new addition, transition or loss you have been through a lot in your personal, home and family life that has forever changed who you are. After going through so much, and possibly feeling depleted physically and emotionally, you may find that it’s necessary to tend to your health, by refining the routines and rituals that keep your body and life running. Starting slow, by tapping into your intuition for information on what you need is a good start. Pay attention to your dreams. Take lots of time for solitude as you recoup and prepare for the exciting changes coming that are centered around creativity, self-expression, healing and love.


The ways that you think and communicate are under construction. You may have experienced recent situations that have changed your perspective on many things. If you are feeling thrown off course, as even your immediate surroundings may have lost their sense of familiarity, try your best to find grounding in the understanding that sometimes things need to change. You may be emerging from a phase where protecting your peace has been a priority, but you cannot heal in isolation. Your greatest gifts involve going deep and facing fear. Sometimes breaking out of our shells can feel scary or vulnerable, but this summer the medicine is to find empowerment in experiencing joy. Tapping into pleasure and creativity this season will help you reconnect with yourself, and you will find meaning in experiences that open you up, even when you want to close yourself off.


The things that you once thought were important may have turned out not to be. The standards you used to set for yourself may have also changed in tandem with this new awareness. This summer there is an invitation to be softer with yourself, and turn off that inner critic that may be telling you that you don’t have enough or that you are not enough. You may feel the call to revamp your home space, nest or even build an alter to connect with ancestors to feel safer and more secure as you tap more into what “home” means to you. Or, you may even move to a new place entirely that feels more in alignment and supportive of who you are now. Attachment to material success may be challenged, and inspiration will have to come from deep within you.


This summer sees a culmination of a transformation process that has been underway for quite some time. Whether on the inside or the outside (or both!) you are not who you were even a year ago. Many things may have contributed to this evolution, but your shift in perspective and the way that you think have been unraveling threads of unconscious needs that have been bubbling to the surface to be revealed. The idea of putting the new you on display for the world to see could feel vulnerable, but you are meant to be seen in this moment. No matter how scary it may seem, stepping into your personal power is a process and you have fought hard to be where you are today. This is your time to shine.


You have been undergoing a transformative process of death and rebirth this past year, and this summer finds you at the final boss level of mastering all of the ways in which you have historically gotten in your own way. You are finally tapping into your personal power, and a part of that process has been getting to the core of your personal and generational wounds. Staying focused and committed to your healing process is the key that will continue to unlock many doors of opportunity for the new you to step through. This moment is setting you up for finally building the world that you desire, and any tests or limitations that find their way to you this season are reminders to open yourself up to new levels of self-love and self-acceptance. Be proud of who and where you are. For you in this moment, the journey is the destination.


Your hopes and visions for the future are undergoing a transformation. What you thought you once wanted is in the rear view, and even if you don’t quite know where you are headed yet, recent changes and upheavals have occurred to bring you more in alignment with where you are meant to be going. This summer, remember that community is key. Pisces loves to merge with others, and learning from experiences where you can lose yourself in co-creation may be just the connection to self and Spirit you are looking for. New friends and lovers may hold the keys for inspiration as you correct course. Your healing process is to go with the flow and trust that the Universe has your back.

Curious about what this new season means for you based on your personal Astrology?

If any of these messages resonated and you are curious to learn more about how you can unlock the potential of the season, book a reading! In-person and virtual sessions are available!

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Jupiter in Gemini