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About Nicole:

The name “The Astral Botanica” is a dedication to my grandmother. My ancestral and familial roots in the Afro-Caribbean/Yoruba tradition of Santeria exist through her legacy. Her presence has guided me in my personal journey as a healer.

As an experienced clinical therapist and community organizer living in Philadelphia, I am passionate about my purpose as a healer and my practice of Humanistic and Therapeutic Astrology, and Tarot. The work of decolonizing the healing process is an essential step towards our collective liberation.

Through an intersectional lens, I hope to use the language and symbolism of Astrology and Tarot to help you make meaning of any current obstacles or life transitions, and thus take control of your personal narrative through a deeper exploration of the many facets of the self with spiritual and therapeutic guidance.

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Nicole is a practicing therapist living in Philadelphia, PA. She has over 15 years of clinical experience as an art psychotherapist trained in trauma therapy, IFS and CBT. Nicole is the “astrotherapist” behind the Astral Botanica.