Step Into Spring

The Sun enters the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries on 3/19, marking the Spring Equinox and the Zodiacal New Year. We transition into this new season with all planets direct, giving us the green light to initiate change in any areas of life that have become stagnant or that we have outgrown. Winter reminds us of the importance of death in the cycle of life, and spring greets us with a sense of renewal as we are now able to fill the dead space with new growth. We engage in the tradition of “spring cleaning”, a ritual of release and clearing out, so we can invite new energy and experiences into our lives.

As spring begins, we are working with the potent energy of our first eclipse season of 2024. As we know, eclipse seasons can be chaotic. But the sense of chaos that we feel can be a result of our resistance to change. Change can spark fear within us, and sometimes our instincts may be to tighten our grip on whatever may be anchoring us in our present way of being. The past can be a comfort, but Aries season awakens us to the reality that we are here to take action and experience life with a sense of boldness, creativity and purpose that reflects our unique sense of self in the present moment. Cardinal energy doesn’t need a plan or a map, as it prioritizes the journey over the destination. My midheaven is ruled by Aries, and once I stepped out of my comfort zone, with no plan, things weirdly came together. You can’t know courage unless you face fear. The North Node in Aries wants us all to embrace this truth.

This spring also brings the beginning of a new Jupiter cycle, as the “greater benefic” will enter Gemini this May for the first time in 12 years. Jupiter is the planet that can bring forth  opportunities for expansion, growth, healing, and wisdom. Prior to Jupiter entering Gemini, it will conjunct the planet Uranus as it exits the realm of Taurus. Uranus is the planet of abrupt or shocking change, unconventionality, disruption, liberation, innovation, freedom, and the future. It is associated with electricity and its energy can hit like a bolt of lightning. Uranus was the first planet discovered after Saturn was believed to be the outermost planet and boundary of our solar system. With the invention of the telescope, we found new territory to explore. If Saturn represents  limits and boundaries, Uranus is all about breaking them. Fun fact-the week Uranus started opposing my 4th House moon from my 10th House, my bedroom ceiling caved in out of nowhere and my life changed forever. 

The Tarot card that corresponds to Uranus is The Fool. In the Tarot the “Fool’s journey to enlightenment” is a metaphor for our spiritual development and growth. The classic Pamela Colman Smith depiction of The Fool has the image of a person with a very small bindle embarking on a journey, albeit very close to a cliff. This reminds us that everytime we choose to do something new we are taking a risk. There is not much packed in their bindle, and they have a companion at their side to bear witness to their journey. The Fool reminds us that we can't always be  prepared for change, and in order to step into our new selves, roles, or paths; we need an openness to learning that only comes from a relinquishing of control. 

Sometimes our world building creates a protective barrier that prevents us from experiencing other perspectives and realities that we need to integrate into our being. Uranus wants us to challenge the status quo, even if that status quo is one we created for ourselves. This spring is a time for reinvention, realignment, and renewal. So take a deep breath and embrace who you are becoming without fear. If you’d like to look to the Tarot for guidance, shuffle your deck and find The Fool. The card behind The Fool can give you insight into what to leave behind as you embark on this new journey, and the card in front of The Fool can help you identify what energy you need to embody or lean into as you walk this new path.

Book a session to unlock your potential for this new season!

Key dates:

Lunar eclipse in Libra 3/25

Solar eclipse in Aries 4/8

Jupiter Uranus conjunction 4/20

Jupiter enters Gemini 5/25


Jupiter in Gemini


How I Use Tarot in Therapy